How to Give
There are multiple ways to make a gift to Keystone College.
Make a gift online
Whether you’re signing up for regular online gifts, making a one-time gift, or paying a pledge, our online giving page makes this easy.
Make a gift by mail
Checks by mail
Print and complete the donation form and send it with your donation by mail.
Please send it to:
Keystone College
Office of Institutional Advancement
One College Green Box 50
La Plume, PA 18440
Donate Securities
.基斯顿学院鼓励捐赠者考虑捐赠有价证券. A gift of securities including stocks, mutual funds, 在某些情况下,债券可以提供诱人的收益. 直接赠送长期增值证券(持有一年以上的证券)可以避免资本利得税,而且在大多数情况下, 捐赠人获得等于证券市场价值的慈善所得税减免. Please consult with your tax advisor for details
请联系机构进步办公室,让我们知道您希望转让的证券名称以及您希望使用您的礼物的目的. 重要的是,您必须告知我们您正在转让证券,以便我们能够正确地确认您的礼物.
注:为避免因出售增值证券而产生资本利得, do not instruct your custodian to sell them. 相反,请要求您的托管人将您的证券转移到我们在美林证券的账户.
To make a gift of stock, please contact:
William H. Bender, CFP CIMA C(K)P
Bender Private Wealth Management – Wells Fargo
201 Lackawanna Ave.
Scranton, PA 18503
(Direct) 570-341-1102
(fax) 570-341-1136
Donate from your IRA
IRA Charitable Rollover
如果你的年龄是70岁半或以上,你需要每年从你的个人退休账户中提取最低分配. 你有没有考虑过用这笔钱作为慈善捐赠来支持Keystone学院?
Did you know?
Since 2006, 国会已经通过了IRA慈善滚动条款,允许个人从他们的IRA账户中向慈善机构捐赠,而不产生提取所得税. In December 2015, 12月18日,国会再次通过了由总统签署的IRA慈善展期法案, 2015. This time, however, it provides a permanent extension, retroactive to January 1, 2015, with no new expiration date!
这意味着您可以将您的最低分配金额直接分配给Keystone学院,而无需缴纳联邦所得税. IRA滚转可以为您提供一个极好的机会,在您的一生中从您的继承人收到的资产中获得礼物,这些资产将受到多级税收.
请向您的税务和/或财务顾问咨询更多信息. 有关向慈善机构捐款的其他方式的限制,请 visit the IRS website.
如果您有任何问题,请不要犹豫,与我们联系 (570) 945-8162 or e-mail
IRA管理员并不总是在分发支票上写上捐赠者的名字. 如果你打算从你的个人退休账户中给我们分配, 请提前告诉我们,以便我们能够识别您的礼物. Thank you!
本信息不打算取代专业的法律或税务建议. 请向您的法律、财务和税务顾问咨询您的个人情况.
Gift In-Kind
Keystone College gladly accepts in-kind donations, including art, equipment, books and other items that directly support our mission.
有时,不是把钱捐给慈善机构去购买需要的物品,而是把物品本身给了慈善机构. These are called in-kind donations. Keystone学院接受适合其需要的实物礼物. Gifts-in-kind may include, but are not limited to, works of art, scientific equipment, books, and real estate. We are very grateful for all donations, however, 由于学生需求的变化,立博客户端app下载并不总是能够接受每一份礼物.
在接受捐赠之前,Keystone学院会对实物捐赠进行审查,以确定与每件财产相关的潜在成本和风险. 学院也有管理录取过程的官方政策.
根据美国国税局基于公平市场价值的规定,实物捐赠通常是免税的, 这些物品在公开市场上的售价是多少. 如果你想扣除你的实物礼物,你应该参考美国国税局出版物561:确定捐赠财产的价值. 美国国税局对价值超过500美元的礼物有特殊的扣除额. 对于价值超过5,000美元的捐赠,捐赠者必须寻求合格的价值评估. For your reference and convenience, 你可以在www上找到561号出版物和其他国税局信息和表格
Download In-Kind Contribution Form
To initiate such a gift, 请致电(570)945 -8162或电子邮件联系机构发展办公室
Employer Matched Gifts
Many employers will match your charitable donation, thereby doubling or tripling your giving to Keystone College. 一般来说,要利用雇主的礼品配对计划,你应该:
向你的人力资源办公室查询一下,看看你的雇主是否为员工提供这项福利. 如果他们这样做,完成公司配对礼物表格,可以是在线的,也可以是纸质的.
Keystone College
Office of Institutional Advancement
One College Green – PO Box 50
La Plume, PA
(570) 945-8162
Grant Partnerships
资助和伙伴关系为研究提供了重要的财政资源, arts and cultural programs, state-of-the-art equipment, facility upgrades, scholarships, curricular development, community engagement, and other initiatives. 赠款在帮助为新项目创造机会以补充Keystone的使命方面发挥着重要作用.
Keystone employee payroll deductions
Keystone学院的员工可以通过扣减工资的方式赠送礼物. Remember – your gift is tax deductible!
Questions about giving?
Contact the Office of Institutional Advancement
- Submit a question online.
- 570-945-8162
- Email
- Location: Sisson Hall
Directing Your Gift
而无限制的美元是最好的方式来显示你对Keystone学院的支持, restricted gifts are also important. 除了奖学金,你也可以指定一笔捐赠给任何不同的计划或基金.
- Athletic Department
- Department of Performance Music
- Annual Fund
- General Endowed Scholarship Fund
- The Athletic Field and Track Complex
- In Honor of an Individual
- In Memory of an Individual
- Scholarships
- Programs
- Special Projects
If you do not see a specific fund listed, you can still make a gift to that program, just notate it in the “Other” box on the online make a gift form.